Resultados de la búsqueda para 'Dallas Willard'

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  1. La divina conspiración
    12,99 $

    El renombrado maestro y escritor Dallas Willard, uno de los intelectuales cristianos contemporáneos más brillantes, nos ofrece en esta obra un llamado oportuno y desafiante a volver al verdadero significado del caminar cristiano. En La divina conspiración, Willard entreteje con gran capacidad la enseñanza bíblica, la cultura popular, la ciencia, la educación y la práctica espiritual en un viaje que revela la necesidad de cambios profundos en cómo vemos nuestras vidas y nuestra fe.

    En una era donde muchos cristianos consideran a Jesús un amado pero distante salvador, Willard sostiene fuertemente la relevancia de Dios en cada aspecto de nuestra existencia. Capturando magistralmente las ideas centrales de las enseñanzas de Cristo de un modo fresco, él nos ayuda a explorar una vía revolucionaria para experimentar al Señor: conocerlo como una parte esencial del aquí y ahora, en vez de algo únicamente de la vida eterna.

    El autor nos llama a una fe más auténtica, y nos ofrece un plan práctico para que seamos más como Cristo. Él nos desafía a hacer a un lado las políticas y postulados cristianos posmodernos y nos inspira a rechazar toda la fe tibia de nuestro tiempo al abrazar el verdadero significado del Evangelio.

    Dallas Willard (1935-2013),

    Teólogo y educador, fue reconocido mundialmente como una voz elocuente que sostiene la relevancia de Dios en nuestro andar diario. Fue profesor de la Escuela de Filosofía de la Universidad de California, y ha brindado conferencias en otras instituciones como la Universidad de Colorado.

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  2. Renueva tu corazón

    Special Price 5,84 $

    Precio regular: 8,99 $

    ¿Cuántas veces, al mirar a nuestro alrededor, nos decepcionamos al ver la poca madurez espiritual de muchos creyentes? Este bestseller nos cuenta cómo transformar nuestro corazón para que cada elemento de nuestro ser esté en armonía con el reino de Dios. Al final de cada capítulo hay preguntas para ayudar a la reflexión personal o en grupo Saber más
  3. Revolution of Character. Discovering Christs Pattern for Spiritual Transformation
    19,99 $
    This book will help you reflect on the spiritual significance of each element of the human person--heart, mind, body, social life, and soul--so that God can transform you. Includes discussion questions. Saber más
  4. . A Practical Theology of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
    17,99 $
    For six years, spiritual formation leaders such as Dallas Willard, Bruce Demarest, and Bill Hull came together with other colleagues to create a collection of wisdom and honest personal revelation in the areas of discipleship and spiritual formation. The result is The Kingdom Life, a book that offers a fresh approach to the spiritual disciplines through a three-pronged focus on transformation, community, and outreach. Connect in a unique way with God and His kingdom by understanding how He sees grace and doctrine, brokenness and obedience, outreach and justice.

    Includes seven highly practical "process" chapters as well as three theological chapters on the Trinity, the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit. Saber más
  5. Renovation of the Heart. Putting On the Character of Christ
    16,99 $
    As Christians, we know that we are new creations in Jesus. So we try to act differently, hoping this will make us more like Him. But changing our outward behavior doesnt change our hearts. Only by Gods grace can we be transformed internally. Renovation of the Heart lays a biblical foundation for understanding what best-selling author Dallas Willard calls the "transformation of the spirit"--a divine process that "brings every element in our being, working from inside out, into harmony with the will of God."

    This fresh approach to spiritual growth explains the biblical reasons why Christians need to undergo change in six aspects of life: thought, feeling, will, body, social context, and soul. Willard also outlines a general pattern of transformation in each area, not as a sterile formula but as a practical process that you can follow without the guilt or perfectionism so many Christians wrestle with.

    Dont settle for complacency. Accept the challenge Renovation of the Heart offers to become an intentional apprentice of Jesus Christ, changing daily as you walk with Him. Saber más
  6.  Revolution of Character
    12,99 $
    This book will help you reflect on the spiritual significance of each element of the human person-heart, mind, body, social life, and soul-so that God can transform you. Includes discussion questions. Saber más
  7. The Kingdom Life
    12,99 $
    For six years, spiritual formation leaders such as Dallas Willard, Bruce Demarest, and Bill Hull came together with other colleagues to create a collection of wisdom and honest personal revelation in the areas of discipleship and spiritual formation. The result is The Kingdom Life, a book that offers a fresh approach to the spiritual disciplines through a three-pronged focus on transformation, community, and outreach. Connect in a unique way with God and His kingdom by understanding how He sees grace and doctrine, brokenness and obedience, outreach and justice.

    Includes seven highly practical "process" chapters as well as three theological chapters on the Trinity, the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit. Saber más
  8.  Renovation of the Heart
    19,99 $
    Take on the character of Christ through the transformation of your spirit.

    Most Christians know that we are not born again to remain the same. When we come to Christ, we are born into a new life and are no longer bound by the sin that once ensnared us. Why, then, do so many of us struggle to put to death recurring sins? Deep down we know that sheer willpower will never be enough to overcome the character flaws that plague us, and even the best intentions and promises to do better fall short. But there is hope.

    In this classic, bestselling book, Dallas Willard digs deep into the divine process of the transformation of the spirit. In this process, God changes us from the inside out and brings us into harmony with his will. Renovation of the Heart changed a generation’s mind about what it means to follow Jesus, revealing that it is not a matter of sin management but rather a matter of drawing near and letting ourselves be shaped into the eternal people of God.

    This book offers no formula but rather a divine process that Christians are called into as followers of Jesus. It is only through the grace of God in Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual treasures stored in the body of Christ that our transformation will be accomplished.

    This 20th anniversary edition contains several special features, including a new foreword and afterword from admirers and inheritors of Dallas’s legacy, an index of the Scriptures that inform Dallas’s vision, and an interview with Dallas about the book, available for the first time in print. Saber más
  9.  Renovation of the Heart for Students
    11,99 $
    Become More like Jesus and Enjoy the Adventure of Your Life!

    Experience God in a full, true, and intimate way as you see your world through fresh eyes and increasingly know that God is with you, for you, and longing to love others through you. Lasting transformation will happen from the inside out, as though Jesus himself were living your life.

    Based on Dallas Willard’s classic Renovation of the Heart, this student edition is for anyone who wants a practical, accessible guide to becoming more like Jesus. The activities and exercises, reflections for deeper insight, and prayers tailored to the book’s teachings will engage your heart and mind. Ideal as a group, retreat, or mentoring resource, Renovation of the Heart for Students is also transformative when used in personal meditation. Saber más

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9 Artículo(s)