Big Feelings Days

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Big Feelings Days Sampson, Aubrey

* Campos Obligatorios

9,99 $
9,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781641586900
Páginas 32
Autor Sampson, Aubrey
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-10-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators
Help little kids with big emotions know God that loves them and is right next to them, no matter what they feel.

Speaker, pastor, podcaster, and author of The Louder Song, Aubrey Sampson has dealt with a lot of big feelings and heartache in her life and has written about lament for a grown-up audience. Knowing that adults don’t have a monopoly on strong, difficult emotions, Aubrey turns to writing about feelings for our little ones with Big Feelings Days.

Children have a lot of emotions too, and feeling sad or angry or brokenhearted can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to help kids understand that their feelings are valuable and normal-and that they can creatively express what they feel to Jesus, who created emotions and deeply cares about every one.

Big Feelings Days is a tender and engaging picture book that helps children ages 3–7 learn how to release their feelings of grief, anger, and heartbreak in creative ways to a God who cares. This picture book includes
  • full-color illustrations,
  • relatable imagery to help children express and identify emotions, and
  • creative ways for children to process their feelings with Jesus.
Even now you can be helping your kids develop emotional health and emotional intelligence as they learn to come to Jesus with whatever they may be feeling.


Help little kids with big emotions know God that loves them and is right next to them, no matter what they feel.

Speaker, pastor, podcaster, and author of The Louder Song, Aubrey Sampson has dealt with a lot of big feelings and heartache in her life and has written about lament for a grown-up audience. Knowing that adults don’t have a monopoly on strong, difficult emotions, Aubrey turns to writing about feelings for our little ones with Big Feelings Days.

Children have a lot of emotions too, and feeling sad or angry or brokenhearted can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to help kids understand that their feelings are valuable and normal-and that they can creatively express what they feel to Jesus, who created emotions and deeply cares about every one.

Big Feelings Days is a tender and engaging picture book that helps children ages 3–7 learn how to release their feelings of grief, anger, and heartbreak in creative ways to a God who cares. This picture book includes
  • full-color illustrations,
  • relatable imagery to help children express and identify emotions, and
  • creative ways for children to process their feelings with Jesus.
Even now you can be helping your kids develop emotional health and emotional intelligence as they learn to come to Jesus with whatever they may be feeling.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781641586900
Páginas 32
Autor Sampson, Aubrey
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2023-10-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators

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