A Prosperity Phenomenon

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A Prosperity Phenomenon Pickney, Don

* Campos Obligatorios

20,99 $
20,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781616388812
Páginas 256
Autor Pickney, Don
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-07-20
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House
The economy is in shambles. Riots and demonstrations in the streets have become daily occurrences worldwide. The unemployment rate is staggering, global debt is out of control, and the world is paralyzed in the grip of terror. What in the world is going on?

What if all of this could be happening just for your benefit as a Christian believer? What if we are experiencing a great global orchestration of Gods ability, plan and purpose to transfer the immense wealth of the world into the hands of those who serve Him? And what if this prosperity phenomenon forecasted in Scripture has already begun?

Dr. Don G. Pickneys ministry is dedicated to proving that on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, the Lord of hosts began to unfold a biblical prophetic event revealed in Scripture as the Day of Jehovah Tsaba, during which He would plunder the nations of their "created glory"--their wealth, goods, substance, means, men and other resources--converting it into the hands of the righteous, a happening already being widely forecasted in charismatic Christianity.

Insightful and thought provoking, A Prosperity Phenomenon will offer you a renewed sense of hope in the midst of global turmoil. This God-given message of purpose and prosperity will encourage you to face uncertain times in a different light, reminding you that God is in control and faithful to those who love Him.


The economy is in shambles. Riots and demonstrations in the streets have become daily occurrences worldwide. The unemployment rate is staggering, global debt is out of control, and the world is paralyzed in the grip of terror. What in the world is going on?

What if all of this could be happening just for your benefit as a Christian believer? What if we are experiencing a great global orchestration of Gods ability, plan and purpose to transfer the immense wealth of the world into the hands of those who serve Him? And what if this prosperity phenomenon forecasted in Scripture has already begun?

Dr. Don G. Pickneys ministry is dedicated to proving that on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, the Lord of hosts began to unfold a biblical prophetic event revealed in Scripture as the Day of Jehovah Tsaba, during which He would plunder the nations of their "created glory"--their wealth, goods, substance, means, men and other resources--converting it into the hands of the righteous, a happening already being widely forecasted in charismatic Christianity.

Insightful and thought provoking, A Prosperity Phenomenon will offer you a renewed sense of hope in the midst of global turmoil. This God-given message of purpose and prosperity will encourage you to face uncertain times in a different light, reminding you that God is in control and faithful to those who love Him.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781616388812
Páginas 256
Autor Pickney, Don
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2012-07-20
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Creation House

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