42 Seconds

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42 Seconds Medearis, Carl

* Campos Obligatorios

11,99 $
11,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781631464928
Páginas 176
Autor Medearis, Carl
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2018-04-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators
The average length of Jesus’ conversations as recorded in the Gospels was 42 seconds long. This is good news for all of us. It frees us up to talk about the most important part of our lives in a way that’s natural, meaningful, and helpful instead of clumsy, awkward, and irrelevant.

Anyone who has spent countless uncomfortable hours walking from house to house with a clipboard or flash cards that talk about four spiritual laws understands.

Jesus’ conversations were remarkably simple. Contemporary Christian lingo has set up a dichotomy between what we call "discipleship" and "evangelism," but the Bible doesn’t do that. Jesus had conversations all the time with those who thought they were close to God, as well as with those who deemed themselves lost and without hope. He invited all of them to come and learn from Him.

42 Seconds is a simple book that uses the ordinary moments of our lives the way Jesus used the same moments in his own. The premise is straightforward: If we can learn from Jesus how to have great conversations, it will change our lives and the lives of those around us. Its four-part structure, including five short chapters per section, is for churches and small groups to engage with the practical ideas together. 42 Seconds includes discussion questions to help groups and individuals implement Jesus’ natural rhythm of interaction in their own lives.


The average length of Jesus’ conversations as recorded in the Gospels was 42 seconds long. This is good news for all of us. It frees us up to talk about the most important part of our lives in a way that’s natural, meaningful, and helpful instead of clumsy, awkward, and irrelevant.

Anyone who has spent countless uncomfortable hours walking from house to house with a clipboard or flash cards that talk about four spiritual laws understands.

Jesus’ conversations were remarkably simple. Contemporary Christian lingo has set up a dichotomy between what we call "discipleship" and "evangelism," but the Bible doesn’t do that. Jesus had conversations all the time with those who thought they were close to God, as well as with those who deemed themselves lost and without hope. He invited all of them to come and learn from Him.

42 Seconds is a simple book that uses the ordinary moments of our lives the way Jesus used the same moments in his own. The premise is straightforward: If we can learn from Jesus how to have great conversations, it will change our lives and the lives of those around us. Its four-part structure, including five short chapters per section, is for churches and small groups to engage with the practical ideas together. 42 Seconds includes discussion questions to help groups and individuals implement Jesus’ natural rhythm of interaction in their own lives.
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781631464928
Páginas 176
Autor Medearis, Carl
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2018-04-17
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial The Navigators

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