23 Minutes in Hell

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23 Minutes in Hell Wiese, Bill

* Campos Obligatorios

15,99 $
15,99 $

Información adicional

Código 9781629994482
Páginas 256
Autor Wiese, Bill
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-05-02
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

New York Times Best Seller and Over 1 million copies sold!
Over 750 5-Star reviews
Wiese’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory, capturing the attention of national media, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Miracle Channel, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, Sean Hannity’s America, Charisma News, and many others.

Awaken to the realities of hell, the afterlife and the urgency to live for Christ in your short time here on earth..

Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it continues to captivate the world. He saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, smelled the putrid and rotting stench, heard deafening screams of agony, and experienced terrorizing demons. Finally the strong hand of God lifted him out of the pit.

This expanded anniversary edition includes more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell for further study. Also included is the new section, “Wrestling With the Big Questions” where Bill answers these and many others questions:
  • Why do some people who have a near-death experience see a bright light?
  • Will those who never heard about Jesus go to hell?
  • Is hell eternal, or are those in hell simply annihilated?


New York Times Best Seller and Over 1 million copies sold!
Over 750 5-Star reviews
Wiese’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory, capturing the attention of national media, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Miracle Channel, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, Sean Hannity’s America, Charisma News, and many others.

Awaken to the realities of hell, the afterlife and the urgency to live for Christ in your short time here on earth..

Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it continues to captivate the world. He saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, smelled the putrid and rotting stench, heard deafening screams of agony, and experienced terrorizing demons. Finally the strong hand of God lifted him out of the pit.

This expanded anniversary edition includes more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell for further study. Also included is the new section, “Wrestling With the Big Questions” where Bill answers these and many others questions:
  • Why do some people who have a near-death experience see a bright light?
  • Will those who never heard about Jesus go to hell?
  • Is hell eternal, or are those in hell simply annihilated?
Información adicional

Información adicional

Código 9781629994482
Páginas 256
Autor Wiese, Bill
Formato ePub con DRM
Fecha edición 2017-05-02
Edición Digital
Idioma Inglés
Editorial Charisma House

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